
function mergeBounds (boundsA, boundsB) {
  return {
    minX: Math.min(boundsA.minX, boundsB.minX),
    maxX: Math.max(boundsA.maxX, boundsB.maxX),
    minY: Math.min(boundsA.minY, boundsB.minY),
    maxY: Math.max(boundsA.maxY, boundsB.maxY)

function getLineBounds (line) {
  return {
    minX: Math.min(line.firstPoint.x, line.lastPoint.x),
    maxX: Math.max(line.firstPoint.x, line.lastPoint.x),
    minY: Math.min(line.firstPoint.y, line.lastPoint.y),
    maxY: Math.max(line.firstPoint.y, line.lastPoint.y)

function getEllipseBounds (ellipse) {
  const angleStep = 0.02 // angle delta between interpolated points on the arc, in radian

  let z1 = Math.cos(ellipse.orientation)
  let z3 = Math.sin(ellipse.orientation)
  let z2 = z1
  let z4 = z3
  z1 *= ellipse.maxRadius
  z2 *= ellipse.minRadius
  z3 *= ellipse.maxRadius
  z4 *= ellipse.minRadius

  const n = Math.abs(ellipse.sweepAngle) / angleStep

  const x = []
  const y = []

  for (let i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
    const angle = ellipse.startAngle + ((i / n) * ellipse.sweepAngle)
    const alpha = Math.atan2(Math.sin(angle) / ellipse.minRadius, Math.cos(angle) / ellipse.maxRadius)

    const cosAlpha = Math.cos(alpha)
    const sinAlpha = Math.sin(alpha)

    x.push( + ((z1 * cosAlpha) - (z4 * sinAlpha)))
    y.push( + ((z2 * sinAlpha) + (z3 * cosAlpha)))

  return {
    minX: Math.min(...x),
    maxX: Math.max(...x),
    minY: Math.min(...y),
    maxY: Math.max(...y)

function getTextLineBounds (textLine) {
  return {
    maxX: +,
    maxY: +

function getClefBounds (clef) {
  return {
    minX: clef.boundingBox.x,
    maxX: clef.boundingBox.x + clef.boundingBox.width,
    minY: clef.boundingBox.y,
    maxY: clef.boundingBox.y + clef.boundingBox.height

function getStrokeBounds (stroke) {
  return {
    minX: Math.min(...stroke.x),
    maxX: Math.max(...stroke.x),
    minY: Math.min(...stroke.y),
    maxY: Math.max(...stroke.y)

 * Get the box enclosing the given symbols
 * @param {Array} symbols Symbols to extract bounds from
 * @param {Bounds} [bounds] Starting bounds for recursion
 * @return {Bounds} Bounding box enclosing symbols
export function getSymbolsBounds (symbols, bounds = { minX: Number.MAX_VALUE, maxX: Number.MIN_VALUE, minY: Number.MAX_VALUE, maxY: Number.MIN_VALUE }) {
  let boundsRef = bounds
  boundsRef = symbols
    .filter(symbol => symbol.type === 'stroke')
    .reduce(mergeBounds, boundsRef)
  boundsRef = symbols
    .filter(symbol => symbol.type === 'clef')
    .reduce(mergeBounds, boundsRef)
  boundsRef = symbols
    .filter(symbol => symbol.type === 'line')
    .reduce(mergeBounds, boundsRef)
  boundsRef = symbols
    .filter(symbol => symbol.type === 'ellipse')
    .reduce(mergeBounds, boundsRef)
  boundsRef = symbols
    .filter(symbol => symbol.type === 'textLine')
    .reduce(mergeBounds, boundsRef)
  return boundsRef