
 * Undo/redo context
 * @typedef {Object} UndoRedoContext
 * @property {Array<Model>} stack=[] List of processed models.
 * @property {Number} currentPosition=-1 Current model index into the stack.
 * @property {Number} maxSize Max size of the stack.
 * @property {Boolean} canUndo=false
 * @property {Boolean} canRedo=false

 * Create a new undo/redo context
 * @param {Configuration} configuration Current configuration
 * @return {UndoRedoContext} New undo/redo context
export function createUndoRedoContext (configuration) {
  return {
    stack: [],
    currentPosition: -1,
    maxSize: configuration.undoRedoMaxStackSize,
    canUndo: false,
    canRedo: false

 * Update the undo/redo state
 * @param {UndoRedoContext} undoRedoContext Current undo/redo context
 * @return {UndoRedoContext} Updated undo/redo context
export function updateUndoRedoState (undoRedoContext) {
  const undoRedoContextRef = undoRedoContext
  undoRedoContextRef.canUndo = undoRedoContext.currentPosition > 0
  undoRedoContextRef.canRedo = undoRedoContext.currentPosition < (undoRedoContext.stack.length - 1)
  return undoRedoContextRef